We are excited to share some exciting news. To promote the game of Futsal, The District of NW Peace are happy to announce an U13 Boys and Girls - Futsal Festival in Grande Prairie on April 4-6, 2025.
The festival will be held at St. Catherine Catholic School Gym. 12815 104A Street. Grande Prairie.
The cost of the festival is $25 per player. Ref Clinic is $40. Coach Clinic is $40.
No experience necessary!! Teams will be determined by draw. Clubs are encouraged to register players in the U13 age group to experience and learn about the game of Futsal.
April 4 - Referee Clinic
April 5 & 6 - Futsal Action & Coach Clinic
Here is the link for the registration:
Alberta Soccer Association : RAMP Registrations
Futsal Festival Festival
St. Catherine Catholic School
U13 Boys And Girls - Futsal Festival in Grande Prairie on April 4-6, 2025.